Browse every image board in one place

Zenbooru (全ボール) is an app for image boards (a.k.a. image booru) that searches all your favourite image boards at once and displays the results back as a single stream, merging duplicate images or videos and their tags together.


Downloads v0.4.6 (Updated 2015-07-29)

Android (Open beta)

Join the testing google group

The Android version of Zenbooru is currently free and in open beta, join the google group above and get download access on Google play to try it.

Limited time offer!

Leave any feedback (good or bad) on the google group above during the open beta period and get a free copy of Zenbooru for Android upon full release (expected release price $0.99 or £0.72). The PC version and source code will always remain free.

PC (Windows, Mac & Linux)

Requires Google Chrome (or Chromium) to be installed first.
  1. Download and extract this zip file.
  2. Run (double-click) start.anyOS.bat.
Or get installation packages for your specific platform here:

Source code (GPLv3)

GIT repository

Feedback wanted!

You can leave feedback, feature requests or bug reports on the issue tracker here.


Zenbooru equally supports both touch screen devices and mouse & keyboard